If you’ve ever wondered, “How do I keep stray cats off my porch,” you’ve come to the right place. You can use double-sided tape on your furniture to keep them away, or you can try spraying them with water to discourage them from visiting. Alternatively, you can install a cat containment system or ultrasonic repellent device. Whatever you choose, be sure to consider the safety of your home before you try these methods.
Table of Contents
- Putting double-sided tape on furniture
- Spraying stray cats with water
- Using a cat repellent spray
- Using an ultrasonic repellent device
- Creating a cat-only area in your yard
Putting double-sided tape on furniture
One way to keep stray cats away from your furniture is to put sticky tape on it. Cats don’t like sticky surfaces, and this tactic works well, especially on furniture outside. You can apply the tape to outdoor furniture cushions and the base. Using an online tutorial, you can learn how to place the tape on your furniture. If you’re not sure how to do this, check out some tutorials on YouTube.
Another effective way to keep stray cats away from your furniture is to use aluminum foil. These little pieces of foil are skittish animals and won’t approach the furniture when they’re alone. Cat hair can also mess up your outdoor space. There are several ways to remove cat hair, but the best solution is early training. Then, take extra care to keep your furniture clean and free of cat fur.
Another effective method of keeping cats away from outdoor furniture is to spray vinegar. This is effective but can result in a fungal infestation on the sofa or cushions. If you don’t have a spray solution, try sprinkling mothball on the legs of the furniture. However, keep in mind that vinegar is toxic to cats and is not a permanent solution. You can also use mothball. Mothball kills moths and larvae and works to deter the cats.
While this tactic isn’t effective when dealing with your own cat, a good tactic is to talk to the neighbor about the problem. Some people are more difficult to talk to than others, and they don’t care if a cat is bothering them. But if your neighbor is reasonable, they may be willing to try some changes. And they’ll most likely be more than happy to comply with your suggestions.
Spraying stray cats with water
If you’re fed up with your stray cats spraying your porch, you should try spraying them with water to deter them. While spraying water with detergent is effective, the harsh chemicals in it can damage your wooden porch and deck. And some cats like the smell of bleach, so make sure you use a deterrent that doesn’t contain bleach. This is the easiest way to deter stray cats from spraying your porch.
You can also use citrus-based cleaning solutions as a deterrent. Or mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water and spray it around the porch. Another option is to use mint mouthwash, which has a minty scent. Cats will not come near the porch if they’re smelling this and will move on to another area. You may want to keep this up for at least a week, then use this method in the future.
One way to deter stray cats is to put traps near your home. Cats are drawn to these traps for a variety of reasons, and one of them is shelter. Your porch may be a prime location for strays to find shelter. If you can block the access to your home, you’ll keep the local cats away. And if you’re not able to get the stray away from your porch, you may have to get rid of them.
Another way to deter stray cats is to plant Rosemary near your property. This natural deterrent works well and can also be used to repel cats. Rosemary and garlic are natural cat repellents, and you can even plant them in places where cats are a problem. You can even make your own cat repellent spray using vinegar or lemongrass. However, be sure to test the solution first before using it on your home.
Using a cat repellent spray
There are a variety of ways to deter stray cats from coming near your property, but one of the most effective is to use a cat repellent spray. These sprays can be attached to your garden hose and emit a burst of water when a cat enters the fence. These sprays are usually powered by batteries and work by luring cats away with their ‘shocking’ sound. Cats don’t like the sudden water burst, but they quickly learn to stay away from your property.
If you don’t have the money to buy a cat deterrent, you can try a simple solution: install a cat-proof fence. Cats cannot enter a fence that is more than 6 feet high. Alternatively, you can install mesh screens in vents, sheds, and porches. Make sure to install the mesh screen perpendicular to the roof and to prevent the cats from climbing over it. You may also consider installing cat spikes to prevent cats from using your porch as a latrine.
If you can’t get a cat to stay off your porch, try using scents as a deterrent. Some scents cats don’t like are citrus-based. You can sprinkle lemon or orange juice on the porch, or spread citrus rinds around. You can also use a cat repellent solution to use on your porch furniture, such as apple cider vinegar mixed with equal parts of water. Another effective deterrent is mint mouthwash.
Using an ultrasonic repellent device
Ultrasonic cat repellent devices emit high-frequency sounds that are unbearable to strays, yet not to humans. Set the device in the direction where a stray cat would most likely approach. This way, the cats will see the sound and avoid the area. Alternatively, you can place the repellent device in a hiding spot in your yard.
Ultrasonic animal repellers work in a similar way to their pest-control counterparts: they emit high-frequency sound waves and flashing strobe lights that scare cats away from your property. The most effective ultrasonic cat repellent is the PestAway, which flashes a bright strobe light to scare cats away. The Hoont Electronic Outdoor Motion-Activated Repeller produces a series of ultrasonic sounds and can be set to emit either a strobe light or a sonic sound.
Other effective methods for deterring stray cats include keeping plants around the property. Plants, especially those with attractive scents, can attract cats. Place them in planters on your porch or in the front yard. You can also use Nature’s Mace, which has received positive and negative reviews. If you decide to buy a repellent device, make sure to check reviews before you purchase.
While these devices do provide effective results, there are several drawbacks. They attract unwanted animals and punish nearby pets. Using these devices may be more appropriate for homes with limited outdoor space. If you live in an isolated location, you may want to invest in a cat repellent that is more convenient than traditional methods. You may be wondering how to install an ultrasonic device on your porch.
Creating a cat-only area in your yard
If you have a fenced yard, creating a cat-only area in your yard can help keep stray cats off your porch. However, if you have a yard that is open to the public, a cat may decide to use it to access your porch instead. Cats are territorial creatures and like to watch things from higher places. By creating a multi-level catio, you can close off your porch and yard to cats.
Aside from putting up a cat-proof fence, you can also install a small bench in the yard. Your cat will love it! You can even place a kitty litter box outside so your cat can enjoy this space as well. You should keep garbage cans and food containers out of the cat’s reach so they cannot find food. If you do keep your trash and recycling outside, they may come to your porch to feed.
Install roll-bars to your fence. These can be a deterrent for cats, and if they do try to climb them, they will be dismayed. Alternatively, you can install chicken wire, or aluminum foil. A roll-bar acts like a barrier, and when cats try to climb it, they will fall to the ground.
Another way to keep stray cats off your porch is to place a cat scat mat on the floor. These kitty scat mats are usually available online. You can buy these mats from Amazon or other online stores. You can also use a scat mat made of poky teeth. The kitty scat mat is an inexpensive and effective way to keep cats off your porch.